Home3 Effective Ways to Deal With Deep Muscle and Bone Injuries

3 Effective Ways to Deal With Deep Muscle and Bone Injuries

Muscle injuries are common and can range from minor sprains to severe muscle tearing. Several symptoms can point towards muscle injury, but pain is the most common factor regardless of injury severity. If you have serious injuries, consulting a medical expert is the best way to deal with the injury. However, several effective ways exist to speed recovery and prevent further muscle damage.

1. Compression and Massage

Applying pressure on injured muscles can treat and provide pain relief. Compression minimizes inflammation and swelling, which can increase pain and slow the healing process. Static compression using an elastic bandage exerts consistent pressure around the affected muscles and helps prevent further swelling. On the other hand, active compression creates a pumping action, helping the body remove excess fluids in the injured muscles and increasing the blood flow necessary for tissue repair and recovery.

Chiropractor Portland, OR therapeutic massage sessions help loosen tight muscles and enhance blood flow which helps heal damaged tissues. Most importantly, applying systematic pressure on injured muscles helps eliminate cellular waste products. Most importantly, post-injury massage therapy can speed up the muscle healing process. However, if the damaged muscles are too sensitive or painful, you can wait a few weeks before massaging the area.

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2. Heat and Cold Therapies

Muscle strains leave your tissue fibers damaged. The injury can lead to immediate inflammation, pain, and swelling. However, you can deal with the symptoms by cold treatment immediately after the injury. Ideally, cold therapy is more effective when applied several times for about 20 minutes. You can use different methods, including cold water baths, ice packs, and cold therapy systems.

The ice pack method is the most common and easily available following a muscle injury. Using cold therapy throughout the recovery phase can speed the recovery process since the cold minimizes tissue inflammation and pain.

Heat therapy is most effective when applied after the initial swelling around the injured area subsides. You can administer therapeutic heat through hot cloths, electric hot pads, water bottles, and hot tubs. Heat treatment enhances blood flow, which is necessary for fast recovery.

3. Pain Relief Medication

Muscle strains can be excruciating, and if the injury affects major muscle groups, your ability to perform daily activities can be impaired. You can manage painful muscles with common OTC medications like NSAIDs or aspirin, which can minimize swelling.

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For extreme muscle injuries, the physician may prescribe a stronger pain medication. However, discussing with the doctor before starting any treatment for severe injuries is prudent. Most importantly, avoid movements and actions that could cause further muscle injuries, especially when pain medication is active. For instance, you should avoid regular exercise for some time, even when you don’t feel any pain.


Most muscle sprains can be managed at home using massage therapy, compression, hot and cold treatments, or pain medication to manage pain and swelling. However, some serious muscle injuries may not be easy to treat. If you experience continuous pain or are concerned about the severity, it’s prudent to consult a medical professional for assessment and treatment.

