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As per census.gov, more than 54 million Americans aged 65 and above belong to the senior citizen category. Also, the last decade saw a steady increase in the elderly population. Of course, healthcare advancements and improved health awareness have benefited people in several ways, including increased life expectancy.
However, the growing elderly population also means that the requirement for old-age support and care will be more than ever. A significant percentage of the elderly population usually requires physical support and care.
Although old age care centers have improved with time, research shows that most elderly individuals prefer to stay in their own homes with a family caregiver. This reflects why at-home care is prioritized by several state and federal departments in the United States. For example, there’s the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program or CDPAP from the New York State Department of Health.
Out of several other elderly care options, CDPAP stands out because of more than one reason. It is a Medicaid-supported program that allows the care receiver to direct their own care personally. If a person is eligible for CDPAP, they can employ a person they trust, be it a friend, family member or even their own child, to provide care and support within the comfort of their homes. The payment and other terms will be regulated under the conditions specified by CDPAP.
Although the program has a history dating back to the 70s, it was officially instated as CDPAP in 1995. Since then, this Medicaid program has helped hundreds of thousands of Americans who would otherwise have struggled to access essential care.
Now let’s see why CDPAP is the best option to provide care and support for your aging loved one.
As mentioned earlier, the CDPAP program primarily facilitates the employment of an in-home caregiver and the management of an older adult’s care. Here, the care receiver is often referred to as the consumer, and the person they choose to provide the care at their discretion will be referred to as the caregiver.
There are several benefits of availing CDPAP. Sometimes it’s a way out for single individuals who find it hard to manage work, their lives and their parents’ care. With CDPAP, they can look after their loved ones and get paid for it.
On the other hand, CDPAP lets older adults who are capable of deciding for themselves to direct their own care. They may need physical support to carry out their daily affairs, and CDPAP allows them to choose a person they feel is right for the job. They may not feel comfortable in a new place or might not prefer to be looked after by a complete stranger. In such cases, the ability to choose a trusted friend or family member as their designated caregiver is indispensable.
Prolonged caregiver-patient relationships generally lead to developing a bond that helps with the caregiving process in many ways. But in many cases, getting comfortable with a new caretaker can take a very long time.
As people age, they tend to experience several physical, mental and personality changes. Some may display adamant behavior, while others may become jolly and fun-loving. CDPAP offers an option where people can employ a caregiver who already has that connection with the consumer. This helps them transition into in-home care in a stress-free way.