HomeSilicone rings that are made for nurses 

Silicone rings that are made for nurses

Many nurses have to wash their hands frequently, so they need a ring that can stand up to the test of time. Silicone rings are a great option because they are durable, waterproof and non-conductive. They can also be easily cleaned and sanitized, making them the perfect choice for nurses.

Nurses are not the only professionals who love silicone rings. When workers are engaged in any work that involves possible hand contamination or damage, such as working with chemicals or oils, they also make good candidates for silicone rings. People who play sports and those whose actions could knock a metal ring against something hard can also benefit from wearing silicone rings.

Here are some reasons why nurses need silicone rings

  • Silicone rings are easy to clean. Since the ring is made of silicone, it is extremely easy to sanitize. It can be easily washed with soap and water or put in an autoclave for extreme sterilization.
  • Silicone rings are waterproof. Not only are silicone rings inert so they won’t react to chemicals that might harm the wearer, but they are also waterproof so nurses can take them off in the shower or while washing their hands and not have to worry about damaging them. Since this is a medical profession, it’s important for nurses to protect themselves at all costs.
  • Silicone rings are non-conductive. There are some jobs that require people to wear rings, but metal or other traditional materials can be dangerous because of their conductivity. If an electric current runs through the ring in contact with skin, it could result in shocks and burns for the wearer. Since silicone is non-conductive, this issue is taken care of.

Nurses are exposed to risks and medical hazards which could even be more harmful if they are wearing a diamond or metal rings. Here are some of the risks of wearing a diamond or metal rings while working in a hospital:

  • Nurses are exposed to toxic medical wastes: These could include harmful chemicals that might damage a traditional ring.
  • Nurses work with hazardous liquids: The spillage of these liquids, especially those containing blood borne pathogens, can lead to direct contact with the skin and if the nurse has a metal ring on, this may cause problems.
  • Metal rings conduct electricity: If a nurse is exposed to an electrical current, a metal ring could conduct the electricity and cause burns or shocks. This is especially dangerous in hospitals where many types of electrical equipment are used on patients.
  • Metal rings can be fugitive: fugitive metals like cadmium and arsenic may come in contact with skin and cause serious illness and diseases such as cancer.

With the silicone rings, on the other hand, none of these problems exist.

Since nurses need to wear rings at work, silicone rings are the best option. Not only are they non-conductive and easy to clean, but they are very affordable as well which makes them an ideal choice for medical professionals. Everyone knows that safety is the number one priority when it comes to any profession so it only makes sense that silicone rings are the preferable choice for nurses.

If you want to purchase a silicone ring, make sure that your provider has silicone rings for men and women nurses and for other professions. 

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