
Healthcare Weekly Staff The Healthcare Weekly staff brings you the latest in healthcare innovation, technology, news and more.

January 18, 2022 974 Views
The World Health Organization estimates there are about 2 million different kinds of medical devices on the global ...
October 22, 2021 864 Views
Healthcare technology has reshaped our lives for the better. The rate of innovation is accelerating, resulting in longer ...
September 21, 2019 5052 Views
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted a 501K clearance for Biobeat’s patch and watch for ...
February 27, 2019 61980 Views
According to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), US health spending has already reached 3.3 trillion ...
December 18, 2018 9106 Views
Johnson & Johnson’s advanced VR training modules are designed to give doctors access to a convenient and totally ...
July 22, 2018 5576 Views
According to tinypulse.com, a recent Everest College survey revealed that 83% of American professionals are stressed out at their jobs. ...
April 12, 2018 22065 Views
How much do you know about augmented virtual reality? Even if your answer to this question is “not ...