Home8 Common Practices That Actually Cause Damage To Your Oral Health

8 Common Practices That Actually Cause Damage To Your Oral Health

Oral health refers to the health of your mouth, from the teeth to its tissues and structures. It’s said that most of the population neglects oral health as they care for their general and mental health. With this in mind, oral health issues are highly likely. 

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Oral Health Status Report last 2022, nearly 3.5 billion people suffer from oral diseases worldwide. They further say that oral Nevertheless, it has been pointed out that oral diseases are highly preventable, even with a large number of cases.  

Oral health all goes down to the everyday practices you indulge your teeth —some benefits while others deteriorate your teeth. Therefore, it’s crucial to know which habits you do damage your oral health.

To help you, here are eight common practices that actually cause damage to your oral health:

Teeth Clenching And Grinding

Teeth clenching and grinding are practices people develop over time. Some do it when angry, while others just out of habit. Either way, it’s a bad habit that damages oral health. This practice is characterized by holding teeth tightly together, resulting in a strain on your teeth, which might weaken them over time. Where the grinding is excessive, the chewing surface of your teeth is likely to wear down. It might interfere with your chewing, giving birth to other issues.

Dealing with teeth clenching and grinding is a step-by-step process. You can do it independently over time by controlling your anger if it’s the cause of your teeth grinding. If it is out of habit, it would be best to visit a reputable dentist like Dr. Gwartzman or those in your local area, as they can advise you on the best solutions, like wearing a mouth guard.

Nail Biting

Growing up, there’s a high probability you had frequently bitten down your nails. It’s said that most people outgrow the habit. However, there are those where the habit continues to adulthood. You’ll see them biting their nails when stressed or thinking about something. 

Prolonged nail-biting damages your oral health. The practice itself involves the protrusion of the jaw. It leads to strain and can cause dislocation in the long run, especially depending on how hard you bite your nails. 

In other cases, your teeth are likely to chip over time, interfering with your chewing. Also, as you bite your nails, you’re transferring germs from your nails to your mouth. It increases the bacteria in your mouth, causing infections and oral problems.

Smoking Tobacco

Smoking is a practice not advocated for by all doctors, oral or not. Concerning oral health, it causes a lot of damage. One, your teeth will stain over time. The staining can sometimes progress and become plaque, one of the dental issues you can develop. Bad breath is the other side effect of smoking tobacco.

Furthermore, tobacco contains various cancer-causing substances, which may cause oral diseases and cancer. Some signs of oral cancer are jaw swelling and pain, white patches in the mouth, difficulty swallowing, and loss of tongue movement. With all these effects on oral health, it’s advisable to quit smoking tobacco.

Brushing Too Hard

Dentists advocate for regular brushing of teeth at least twice a day. You may have adopted this practice, which is quite commendable. However, the question is, do you brush your teeth the right way?

Brushing your teeth too hard is one way to damage your oral health. It’s characterized by pressing too hard against your teeth and using a hard-bristled toothbrush. Your toothbrush will likely get hard-bristled if you’ve used it for a long time. Hard brushing injures your gum by piercing it. The result is bleeding gums, one of the oral diseases.  

It’d help to be gentle as you brush your teeth. Being gentle doesn’t reduce the effectiveness of your brushing. Also, regularly replace your toothbrush and buy high-quality ones that won’t damage your teeth and gums.

Using Teeth For The Wrong Reason

Teeth serve the primary purpose of helping you chew food, in addition to other factors like smiling and face shape. One common practice people make is using their teeth beyond their primary purpose. 

Some will open bottled bottles with their teeth; others will use their teeth as scissors to cut items here and there. In addition, some bite hard on things to hold them. The result of all these practices is excess stress on teeth.

In other situations, you’ll experience chipped teeth, with others breaking, due to a practice like opening bottled bottles. Additionally, these repercussions expose your teeth to bacteria, leading to several oral health issues.

Eating Sugary Food

Growing up, you’ve probably heard the statement that sugary foods are bad for your teeth. It’s a fact that applies whether or not you’re a child.

Sugary foods tend to stick to your teeth’s surfaces, after which they become challenging to remove. The more they stay on your teeth, the more they erode, especially when they come into contact with the bad bacteria in your mouth. In most cases, the result is tooth decay and cavities. Therefore, it’s best to avoid them or reduce your consumption to promote oral health. If you can’t forego a bite, ensure you brush your teeth after eating them.

Taking Acidic Drinks

Acid is known for its corrosive nature. It has the same effect on your teeth when you ingest it regularly. Over time, there’s a possibility of the enamel wearing down and thinning. The result is sensitivity when you take hot or cold foods or drinks. 

Some acidic foods and drinks, like those with high lemon concentration, can cause staining over time, often yellowing. Therefore, it’s advisable to rinse off your mouth with plain water after eating or drinking acidic items. It’ll wash away the acid, preventing it from lingering on your teeth.

Not Visiting The Dentist

As previously stated, most people neglect oral health. They tend to assume you should only visit the dentist when issues like toothache arise. At this time, it’s often too late, and the solution might only be to remove the damaged tooth. 

Dentists advise that you visit them at least every six months. Here, the dentist will assess your teeth and identify any issues. Doing so enables them to address the problems in their early stages when they’re more manageable. It also allows you to take preventive measures to prevent dental issues. With these, you’ll have a healthy mouth and a picture-perfect smile.


Oral health is crucial for everyday living, from eating to beauty and speech. However, there are common practices that most people subconsciously do that deteriorate their oral health. Therefore, it’s crucial to identify these habits and practices and set solutions. This will help you be better placed to take care of your oral health, promoting overall oral health and well-being.


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