Home[Podcast] Care.Coach – the tech for the elderly

[Podcast] Care.Coach – the tech for the elderly

Meet Care Coach: the game-changing innovation for aging care that leverages the best of both human and technological capabilities.

Care Coach is a smart assistant avatar assuring continuity of care, offering psychosocial support and assistance with the management of chronic conditions for the elderly.

This unique avatar technology is used in patients’ hospital rooms and homes to support them and provide companionship.

Listen to Victor Wang, CEO @ Care.Coach talk about this innovative solution, how it works, who it is for and the myriad of use cases Care Coach can be leveraged for.

Listen to the podcast to learn about:

  • The history of Care.Coach
  • How it works
  • How technology can improve quality of care for the elderly
  • Exciting use cases
  • How hospitals can improve quality of care & reduce readmission rates

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