
Nqaba Matshazi Nqaba has been working as an investigative journalist for the last 10 years. He has written for various media outlets across the world.

January 2, 2024 15586 Views
Believe it or not, virtual reality is not just a ‘fad’ or the next big trend and many ...
January 4, 2023 529 Views
A person can get plenty of benefits from visiting your dental clinic. For one, you can assess if ...
September 10, 2021 835 Views
It’s no surprise that more applications for technological advancements emerge in various fields. In health care and medicine, ...
January 29, 2019 6185 Views
Researchers and physicians at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute want to use virtual reality to ...
December 18, 2018 9106 Views
Johnson & Johnson’s advanced VR training modules are designed to give doctors access to a convenient and totally ...
October 31, 2018 7015 Views
Physiotherapy for stroke patients can often be a physically and emotionally draining exercise, but a new partnership in ...