Home[Podcast] Coronavirus Symptom Tracker for Consumers & the Future of Personalized Medical Care Access

[Podcast] Coronavirus Symptom Tracker for Consumers & the Future of Personalized Medical Care Access

Today’s guest is Terrance Ryan, CEO of HealthChampion, a digital health analytics company focused on returning us to a people-driven healthcare ecosystem. HealthChampion is focused on digitizing and analyzing healthcare, empowering consumers to have greater control over their health data and decisions. 

HealthChampion works like a digital health passport. 

The company currently offers the app for free, with a goal of rolling out a premium edition in the future. 

Listen to the podcast to learn about:

  • How HealthChampion works in an end consumer point of view
  • Authentication protocols
  • How your data is shared with doctors and hospitals
  • How integration works within the app
  • Future goals for content uploading
  • How HealthChampion is planning to help with COVID-19
  • Pathways of COVID-19 symptom tracker
  • What can be seen on your HealthChampion profile
  • Benefits of freely flowing information
  • Device compatibility with HealthChampion
  • Consumer benefits from being able to access your health information online in one place
  • The biggest challenges faced by HealthChampion right now

Many individuals have multiple health-related apps on their phones, as well as other health-related devices such as smart watches, fitness trackers, and even scales. These apps and devices are part of their daily lives. HealthChampion allows the consumer to consolidate information from all these areas, as well as electronic healthcare records. 

Over 400 apps and devices are compatible with HealthChampion, with more being added daily. Using the app, consumers will not only be able to consolidate and learn from their data, but share it in any way they need. This could include sharing health information with a spouse or doctor. HealthChampion is HIPAA compliant, and it is up to the consumer to choose what information they want to share and with whom. 

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